środa, 5 września 2012

Hmm...honestly,I never made it to day thirty.Try day 5..am not proud but hey,i tried and that counts,does'nt it? Well,on to new seasons..its autumn.I terribly miss summer and funny bit is discovered today my wellfolded and stacked away summer outfits that I couldnt find for the past 3 months!!Talk of disappointment..but tried them on,and they fit even better than last summer,so I must be looking much better.Too bad I didnt get to flaunt the awesome figure..oh well,there is next summer:) Might be trying some new things in the few weeks to come,have a few plans cooking keeping my fingers crossed that I will keep to the promise and ride it out this time. But till then,keep warm and love God.Peace.

poniedziałek, 27 sierpnia 2012

30 day challenge-day 2

I am on a 30 day challenge to self-today being day 2.I do not plan to necessarily look like this,but due to the errr..totally-unsimilar-to-pic nature of my recent self,u will have to do with the knowledge that anything closer to this will be considered by yours truly as a maaaaajor victory. As part of the challenge,I will be documenting my daily meal schedule and how i more or less manged to stick to it plus include the workouts(mini-workouts hehe)done.I was motivated by the bodyrockers who do have a system of 12-5 i.e 12 minutes of exercises;50 secs workout with 10 sec rest for each exercise
,for 5 days a week. So far day one was check your fitness day;workouts were as follows pushups-i managed 9(PROUD)!!hehe burpess-9 high knees-50(yeah,am fit like that-not)lol switch lunges-20 tuck jumps-14 and straight abs-0(in my defence,I was waaay past dead by then lool) am suuper excited,as am sure everyone is when they start working out.And I hope that making this public will give me the motivation to keep going and make it to thirty...(might need a lil' bit of Jesus too)..be good peeps.xoxo

sobota, 6 marca 2010


Am left sorrounded in darkness
but I refuse to be swallowed by it
my lonliness like the night air
Invisible to the eye,obvious to the touch
It is cold uncomfortableness

Yet if I could do it all over again
I'd do it in the same scene am in
to lay down and let love die?
Just stay down and let love lie?
No,no not I

I'll stay around and let love fly
even though I've seen its darkest form
nothing else can taste this warm
or feel this sweet.

czwartek, 4 lutego 2010

Smile :)

I have been learning alot lately abt our relationship with God.What has really hit me hard is how great God is..and how much He really loves us.I was listening to someone who said if we understood how much it hurt Jesus to get on the cross,we would never choose to live an incomplete,dissatisfied life anymore.God is really in control of everything,not just me but the sun,the planets,the ocean and all kinds of animals not to mention the rest of mankind!!Yet He has time for me.He listens and really cares whenever I bring my issues and problems and fears and joys to Him.I can just imagine Him smiling and dotting on me or shaking His head and wondering why even after all we have been through together I still cannot trust Him completely.Trusting God came with something else,trusting man.I have to admit I find it so hard to trust anyone,but am learning.
Its easier to choose to look at the world through the darkest ugliest glasses and look at myself through rosy,pleasant ones.But if I am to love as I wish to be loved,I have to see you as I see myself.Am sure the same way am so judgment about anyone else,they might just judge me by the same scale,and boy would I be found wanting!!
Something really interesting happened today.I was walking to my dean's office to get my residency letter and was just thinking about how beautiful life is when you decide to love whoever is next to you,no matter who it is.I did not realize it at the time but I was smiling,and an old lady smiled back!!That made me smile even harder.
Life is beautiful.Choose to live it out exactly how God designed it,with joy and peace not only for you,but be the joy and peace in everybody's life.